William Walker Elementary

2350 SW Cedar Hills Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97005

Enter "Cedar Hills Park" into your gps and follow the road all the way back past all the fields ending up at the school. The gate entrance is closest to the school building.

This Beginner class is a Learn-to-Skate curriculum and requires you to wear a helmet, wrist guards, elbow pads, and knee pads. If you come to class without all of your protective gear, you will lose your class. This is for the skater just getting started. We use Roll Right's curriculum to teach skate foundational skills in clear progressions. You keep track in your progress booklet and we keep track of your progress in our charts. Register your $20 membership one-time with RollRight.Org before signing up for this class. A complimentary skate bag is included with your membership fee. Membership allows you to take Roll Right classes with any Roll Right certified instructor without having to start over. It also gives you support videos of skills taught so you can remember what they are when you leave the class.

Kids and Adults are grouped separately with their own instructors yet they share the same class time. Kind of perfect for parents who want to learn something new along with their kids. Parents must stay onsite for the entirety of their kids class.

Classes are not in a series; There is not a specific start or end date as every skater is unique and progresses at their own pace.